Our Raised Organic Veggie Garden

Raised organic veggie garden beds | Gardening in Michigan | Herb and Vegetable Garden

We have been in our new home about 3 years now, and ever since moving in we have dreamt of what our next garden area would look like in our new space. In our previous home there was already a space designed for a large garden - an L-shape pod with irrigation pipes. We added a fence and door to keep out rodents and deer. Our first year there we planted zucchini, heirloom tomatoes, green peas, cucumber, eggplant, basil, and peppers. It was a labor of love and we couldn’t believe the bounty we were getting from just a handful of crops. We definitely fell in love with gardening that year.

It was bitter sweet to list our home, knowing we would no longer have this beautiful space to plant and harvest from. But, we were looking forward to building a home and establishing a new space to grow our favorite crops!

After much deliberation we agreed on raised beds in this little South West nook of our home! With about 7 solid hours of sunlight a day, it seemed like the perfect space for a few raised beds!


To keep our beds on flat, solid ground, we decided on pavers & mulch. Plus, we love the visual interest the square pavers create! All the props to my husband for digging up the sod and hand laying all of our pavers!

Our local handyman built us these beautiful raised 7’x3’ garden beds and we couldn’t be more pleased with how they look and fit in our space.

I took the task of staining them, and selected the color Natural by Cabot. After we moved them into place, we added our soil, and the fun began!

We went with the following to kick-off our 2020 gardening venture: Heirloom tomatoes, zucchini squash, carrots, curly kale, red romaine, butter lettuce, chives, basil, rosemary, sweet peppers, carrots, parsley, and mint. The marigolds were planted in-between to help fend off pests. Dan added a few earthworms to our soil, which help keep it rich & moist.


After lots of watering and tending to the garden daily, our harvest grew. It grew, and grew, and grew! What a beautiful feeling. A beautiful, delicious, fulfilling feeling.

The boys were equally excited. They loved watching the progress and pulling the crops at peak ripeness.


I’m not sure a day went by over summer 2020 where we didn’t harvest a home-grown veggie or herb to incorporate into our meals.

One of my new favorite breakfast toasts is ezekial bread, vegan cream cheese, avocado slices, and fresh trimmed chives from the garden. We have that on repeat over here during our gardening months - one of Sawyer’s favorites too!

We are so proud of our little garden nook, and look forward to dreaming up the following years crop at the end of each season!