My Home for the Holiday's | Christmas Decor Done Minimally

My Home for the Holiday's | Minimalism | Christmas Decor | Pottery Barn Christmas

Ohhhhh the great tree hunt! Since Dan and I have been married (almost 7 years now!), we’ve always “cut” down our own tree. Such a fun tradition, right!? And you’ll see why I put cut in quotes here momentarily…

Going into this year, and every year really, I have visions of us all bundled up in our winter gear, frolicking through the rows of trees holding hands and singing Christmas carols. And then we find it. The one. And a beam of light shines down upon it and the kids are giggling and cheering while Dad gracefully cuts it down. Because we are a perfect Pinterest family and our children are angels…HAH.

The reality? We arrive and Sawyer quickly claims he’s hungry. And when Sawyer is hungry, Sutton is hungry too, naturally. So we get them their complimentary hot cocoa’s (thanks Red Flannel!) and buy them both bags of popcorn to lug around while we search for “the” tree. We had to walk down a hill for the the type of fir we wanted, and Sutton needed to be carried because 3 year olds don’t know how to walk on their own yet, duh. So, I’m carrying Sutton in one arm and holding his bag of popcorn (that he no longer wants) in my free hand. We’re not seeing anything we like off the bat, and Sawyer is complaining of boredom. Instead, we head back up to the main entrance and opt for a pre-cut tree because #convenience. We find one in a rush, but, before we go to pay, we notice they are cash only, and of course all we have are a few quarters between the seats of our car. We have them hold our tree, we strap the boys back in their carseats, and we drive around looking for an ATM. Not exactly the outing we had envisioned, but when you’re leaving the house with kids, does anything ever go as planned?! That’s rhetorical. Eventually, we made it home with a tree on our car…I think next year I need to lower my expectations. ;)

Once we got our fraser fir home and in its stand, we stepped back and realized it really did fit our home perfectly. I think we were meant to have that pre-cut tree. The boys were so excited to help trim, and every year I love reminiscing about the different ornaments we’ve received over the years that hold so much meaning. We have first Christmas photos of each of the boys, ornaments from our wedding, ones gifted from family, and homemade ones from Sawyer’s preschool years. It’s a hodgepodge of little sentiments that brings all those cozy nostalgia feelings of the holiday’s.

We always opt for warm white lights, and of course our star topper (from Hobby Lobby) ties it all together!

We kept our mantel minimal, draping it with garland and more warm white lights. Our TV is quite wide, so we don’t have a lot of space on the ends for more seasonal decor, which is fine by us honestly! I may add some tall candles or skinny trees there next year!

Our silver stocking holders are also from Hobby Lobby, and our personalized quilted velvet stockings are from Pottery Barn! I love their size and texture, and their neutral ivory color is peeeerfect for my neutral obsession.

Make sure to scroll to the bottom to shop this minimal Christmas look!

This year we added a second, artificial tree to our Michigan room; found on Amazon here! Dan and I were chatting one night at dinner about how that room was craving something tall and green, so we took to Amazon (literally at that very moment) and fell in love with this 7 1/2ft tall and lanky tree! It was more cost effective to purchase the lights separately vs. a pre-lit option, so we took that route and saved around $20. Big thanks to Prime for having it on our doorstep two days later!

I had Sutton jump in a few photos with his new Santa jammies and if I could eat his cuteness, I totally would.

We continued with a clean, minimal look outdoor. The top half of our pillars are wrapped with lights & garland, I added a red bow to my signature Magnolia wreath, and we replaced our summer fern with a 5ft pre-lit tree. Thanks again, Amazon!

That adorable doormat is kept their year round, and can be found on Wayfair here!

